User Permission
Though you can add multiple users, the admin on the App for multi-users — limited access to the salesperson by ledger group, stock group, etc.
Open the navigation bar and then click on the Users icon.
Note: You will be able to add a user only if you are an admin for the current company. If you are not an admin then you won’t be able to see the Users icon in the navigation bar.
Click on the user whose permission you want to change
You will be shown the permissions the user has.
1. Make Admin
Click on the checkbox to make a user admin. Then click on SAVE. Now the user can see all the data of the company and can even add other users.
You can also remove a user from admin permission by clicking on the same checkbox.
2. Give Only Sales Permission
Click on the All below Access by Ledger Group. By default the user has access to all the ledger groups.
Note: You can give permission to other ledger groups similarly
Uncheck SELECT ALL and then click on Sundry Debtors.
Click on the tick. Then you are taken back to the permissions page.
You can see 1 Ledger Group permitted for the user. Click on SAVE so give the permission to the user. Now the user can see all purchase ledgers.
3. Give Stock Group Permission
Click on the All below Access by Stock Group. By default the user has access to all the Stock groups.
Note: You can give permission to other Stock groups similarly
Uncheck SELECT ALL and then click on whichever stock groups you want to give permission. If you don’t want the user to see any stock groups then, select none of the groups shown.
Click on the tick. Then you are taken back to the permissions page.
You can see 1 Stock Group permitted for the user. Click on SAVE so give the permission to the user. Now the user can see all Stock Groups.
4 .Give Godown wise Permission
Click on the ALL below ACCESS BY GODOWN. By default the user has access to all the GoDown details.
Accordingly you can give access of individual godown.
5. Give Voucher Type Permission
Click on the All below Access by Voucher Type. By default the user has access to all the Voucher Types.
Note: You can give permission to other Voucher Types similarly
Uncheck SELECT ALL and then click on whichever Voucher Types you want to give permission. If you don’t want the user to see any Voucher Types then, select none of the types shown.
Click on the tick. Then you are taken back to the permissions page
You can see 2 Voucher Types permitted for the user. Click on SAVE so give the permission to the user. Now the user can see all Voucher Types
6. Give Screen Permission
Click on the All below Access by Screen. By default the user has access to all the Screen.
Note: You can give permission to other screen similarly
Uncheck SELECT ALL and then click on whichever Screen you want to give permission. If you don’t want the user to see any screen then, select none of the types shown.
You can see 2 Screens permitted for the user. Click on SAVE so give the permission to the user. Now the user can see all permitted screens
There are individual options given on each screen also Example from Dashboard you can only give rights of sales , If you select Dashboard the user will see all menus of Dashboard.
7:Give Access by Data Entry:
On clicking ALL option user will be able to all menus of DATA ENTRY Module
After clicking on Access by Data Entry, below screen is you get to see. which show Permission of Creating New ledger and new Stock Item
After clicking on ALL below Acess by Voucher types.if you select Sales and Purchase user will be able to only create Sales and Purchase Invoice.
8: Access by Backdata entry
If you enable ALLOW BACK DATED ENTRIES then the salesperson or user can Create entries with backdated.
9. Give Share Report Permission
Click on the share report check box and then click on SAVE. If you have not given the permission to share report, the user will not be able to share any of the reports in the app. The user can still, share invoices and bills.
10: Price list Access
If price list access is enabled meaning the salesperson will be able to see the price list details of Item from Item details screen -- Price list.
Last updated