January 2019 Product Updates

New Features

Custom Logo and Signature for Invoices

  • We are very excited to bring one of the most requested feature where you can set a custom logo and signature while sharing invoices from Biz Analyst.

  • Logo and Signature has to be set separately for each company and can be only added/updated by the admin of the company.

  • This feature is currently available on Android devices only and will be released on iOS soon.

Export Outstanding List with Bills

  • While sharing list of outstanding receivables or payables as PDF, you could view the name of the party and the outstanding amount. Now, you can enable a setting to export the outstanding list of customers along with the outstanding bills for each customer.

Sales Analysis By Ledger

  • In Biz Analyst, when you click on Sales on dashboard, you see the list of all the customers and their corresponding sale. By clicking on Group By option below the data, you can view your sales by other options like:

    • Bills - View Bill wise sales

    • Ledger Group - To view your sales by ledger groups in a hierarchical format like in Tally.

    • Stock Item - View your sales by stock item and identify the items that are sold most/least, etc

    • Stock Group - View your sales by stock group

    • Cost Centre - Sales by cost centre.

  • Let's say you have grouped by Stock Item and you click on the stock item that is sold most. In the next screen, you will see all the customers to whom you have sold that stock item.

  • If you wan't do further analysis, you can click on Group By again and select ledger group or anything else thus enabling multi-dimensional sales analysis.

  • However, previously when you selected a ledger in the sales screen, it would show you the list of all bills for that ledger in the next screen. But you would not be able to see all the stock items that you would have sold to the selected ledger. In this release, we have enabled that option for you.

Post Dated Vouchers

  • If you have created a receipt or payment entry as post-dated in Tally, you can now see a tag called 'Post-dated' in the Receipt and Payment list screen.

  • Additionally, while checking the outstanding of a party, you will also be able to see all the post-dated vouchers for that party.

Ledger Group wise Summary in Receipts and Payments

  • When you view all your receipts and payments by ledger group (Payments -> Group By -> Ledger Group), you will now be able to see the totals of each group and drill down in each group similar to sales analysis.

Security Updates

  1. New Device Login Notification

    • Now, when you sign-in from a new mobile device, you will receive and email with the details of the device from which you logged in.

    • This will ensure that you are notified about the devices that are using Biz Analyst.

  2. Notification to email set in Tally on new setup

    • When you sign in to the desktop application and add the company for the first time, you will receive an email to the email address that is connected to your tally license.

    • This will give you an added level of security where you will be always notified about who is syncing data from your Tally license.

  3. Email to admin on logout from desktop app

    • When you logout from the desktop app, you will receive an email about the same. If you logout from the desktop app, Biz Analyst will no longer sync your data to your mobile.

Performance Improvements

Sync data from specified date when having multiple years of data

We strongly recommend using this feature if you have multiple years of data in your Tally.

Let's say you have 4 years of data in Tally for a single company and you have not split your company. With the latest release of our desktop app (2.5.1), you can now set the start year of your company as shown in the below image.


  • Less storage space on your mobile

  • Reduces the load on your Tally

  • Faster sync times.

Warning for poor hardware configuration

Biz Analyst recommends minimum 4 GB RAM for the sync to happen effectively. Now you will see a warning sign for the same. To alleviate the slowness in the system here are some solutions you can try:

  • Reduce the sync frequency in Biz Analyst desktop app by clicking on Settings on the left side bar and change the sync frequency as per your requirements.

  • RAMs have become very cheap now, so upgrading to 4GB RAM would help a lot of modern applications on your desktop. Modern mobile phones now have more than 6GB RAM.

  • If your Tally company has a large number of vouchers, considering using SSD instead of standard SATA hard drive. Since Tally's data is stored on local disk, SSD can help improve your Tally speed drastically.

Warning while opening same company in Tally from another folder

  • In Tally, the company's name is unique. So, when you sync a company with Biz Analyst, we search the company's name in Tally. However, this can cause problems under some scenarios.

  • Let's say you open a backup of an older date in Tally, Biz Analyst will get the same company name and may end up syncing data thus causing mismatch of data on mobile phone.

  • Or for example, you have split your company and have kept the same name for old and new company. Now, if you open the old year's company in Tally, then it can cause data mismatch on your mobile phone.

  • Now, we will show you a warning dialog whenever you open a company from another folder and ask you to resync the data to ensure that there is no data mismatch.

Last updated